Teach children some great values to celebrate difference.
A fun and interactive whole school teaching tool which helps promote tolerance, acceptance and a greater appreciation of difference in others.

Welcome to TREK, a journey of discovery for children
Hi, my name is David Patterson. As a headteacher in Belfast Northern Ireland for over 20 years, I understand the challenge and importance of creating an environment for children both to thrive and achieve their true potential.
The Celebrating Difference TREK programme enables teachers and school leaders to establish a powerful ethos of tolerance and acceptance of difference in others, within the classroom, school and wider community. It crucially helps children to build emotional resilience in their lives and form positive views of themselves and others.

So what makes TREK...TREK?
It's about 4 amazing qualities (TRUTH, RESPECT, EMPATHY, KINDNESS) and helping young people appreciate, understand and demonstrate
these qualities whether in school or the wider community. It's all about going on the TREK journey together!!

Awesome features
Designed to support the journey of appreciation of difference in others and in our diverse communities.
Set the challenge
Children in all school classes are challenged "Let's do the TREK!". This involves building a friends and family portrait which is comprised of a collection of 8 diverse characters.
Empower your children
The trick to building the characters is that they can only be revealed as children demonstrate the TREK qualities of TRUTH, RESPECT, EMPATHY and KINDNESS whether in school, home or in the wider community.
Involve family & friends
The whole school community including parents, friends and family can record the children performing TREK acts/good deeds and then post them into the child's class teacher using the app.

Gather the results
The more TREK acts/good deeds performed the more characters will be revealed, encouraging engagement from students.
Sharing the success
The friends and family portraits revealed will generate discussion within the class of difference among people and communities and encourage children to be more informed, tolerant and accepting of others.
Manage with ease
Everything is managed from an intuitive content management facility, making it a breeze to setup class challenges and monitor the results.
Awesome features
Design to support the journey of appreciation of difference in others and in our diverse communities.
Set the challenge
Children in all school classes are challenged to "do the TREK". This involves building a friends and family portrait which is comprised of a collection of 11 diverse characters.
Empower your children
The trick to building the characters is that they can only be revealed as children demonstrate the track qualities of truth, respect, empathy and kindness whether in school, home or in the wider community.
Involve family & friends
The whole school community including parents, friends and family can record the children performing TREK acts/good deeds and then post them into the child's class teacher using the app.

Gather the results
The more TREK acts/good deeds performed the more characters will be revealed, encouraging engagement from students.
Share the success
The friends and family portraits revealed will generate discussion within the class of difference within people and communities and encourage children to be more informed, tolerant and accepting of others.
Manage with ease
Everything is managed from an intuitive content management facility, making it a breeze to setup class challenges and monitor the results.
Soon available in multiple languages!
Our goal is to help teachers, families and friends to support children on their TREKs, irrespective of location or language. In the coming months the TREK mobile app and management facility will be available in a multitude of languages.
To find out if your language will be available please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

A sense of achievement
Each time a student or teacher records a TREK act/good deed, there is an immediate sense of self achievement which can be affirmed and celebrated by fellow students, teachers, friends and family.
They also know that they are contributing to the class goal of creating their TREK friends and family portrait.
3 simple steps to set up
Designed to encourage both children and their friends and family to support this journey of discovery.
Step 1
Add your students to the dashboard - just their name, class and simple "secret" password. Choose your friends & family group and you're ready to go.
Step 2
Record your students TREK acts in school or let them record them when with friends and family using the simple and intuitive TREK app.
Step 3
Review your students TREK acts and discuss them in class. Then show their progress and award trophies/emojies for everyone to see.
What happens next?
A recent teacher comment
An absolutely transformational programme for the children in our school. We learnt so much about each other and a variety of cultures both in our community and beyond. The children loved the programme and the whole school was genuinely buzzing with the TREK experience.
We build TREK into how we do school now. This was a great shared experience for the whole school and also such a positive experience, collaborating with other schools around us. We love TREKKING!!
Jim Todd – Principal Carrs Glen Primary School, Belfast

Take children beyondthe classroom
Widen children's view of the world and enable them to experience cultures and
people beyond their own lens. Allow children to have their horizons and minds
expanded, learning to walk in other peoples shoes and better appreciate difference.
It's a doddle to manage
We know how busy you are so we we've made it super easy for you to setup and manage!
A simple and intuitive dashboard enables schools to setup and manage class TREKs in no time at all.
It can be accessed from any Internet connected device and only requires 2 steps to set up so you are ready to go in minutes.